November/December 2020 CORE Newsletter

Executive News

Seasons Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

Have a great holiday season!!!!!!!

Coordinators Meeting for 2020/21 Winter Planning on December 15, 2020

This meeting is for all hikers, planners, leaders, day-trippers, part-time walkers, nature lovers, photographers, xc-skiers, snowshoers, scramblers, even those who have never led an event. There will be lots of help and mentors and co-trip leaders, who would be happy to come along with you. We have many guide books, maps and computers to navigate any unknown routes. This meeting is for all current CORE coordinators and CORE members who are interested in becoming an event coordinator or just wishing to have someone else put on their favorite trip.

CORE’s Executive trip coordinator will be holding this Coordinators meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 7pm by Zoom. You will need to sign up for this event to Carol (our executive trip coordinator). Check the calendar for more information.

A reminder to all current and new event coordinators, please review the Event Coordinators Guidelines posted on the CORE website. These guidelines are a collection of knowledge representing years of experience in the mountains. They are meant to promote safety in our outdoor activities.

2021 CORE Member Monthly Meeting

Starting in the new year (2021) CORE executive is planning member meetings. The present and future COVID-19 AHS regulations will determine if and when CORE can hold these monthly member meetings. Executive is hoping to be able to start in January of 2021. STAY TUNED. CORE will be sending out calendar email notifications to members and information will also be in the newsletter.

There will be two changes. One the facility for meetings will now be held at the Bow Waters Canoe Club at 1975 – 26th street SE. Directions to facility below. The second change is that, for some of these monthly meetings, CORE will be holding Outdoor Adventure Films with free popcorn and beverages(wine) at these meetings.


Outdoor Adventure Film  

and “a little wine” Fest

(Free for members)

Film list and times to follow

      in future Newsletters







CORE’s new meeting Facility is Bow Waters Canoe Club

Bow Waters Canoe Club is located just off Deerfoot Trail and 17th Ave SE.  Address of the facility is 1975 – 26th Street SE.

Bow Waters Canoe Club map








From East or Westbound 17th Ave SE (see map below states 1A, which is 17th Ave)

Turn South on 26th Street SE (there is a set of lights at this intersection),

BWCC Road turnoff

Ensure you are in the right hand lane and immediately turn right where the City of Calgary Utilities/Electrical station is (it is a small black building with LED lights on it, indicated by the red arrow below).

Follow the road down to the parking lot. Take the stairs down to the club house building.



No November or December Monthly Member Meeting



Thank you for your patience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the Alberta government has re-opened the provincial parks and has announced that groups of up to 50 people can gather in the outdoors (while maintaining such practices as social distancing), CORE  re-started the club on June 15th.  CORE executive has put in place guidelines and recommendations for trip coordinators, and COVID-19 guidelines for keeping members safe, when participating in CORE activities/events. CORE executive would like to thank all CORE members that put on hikes, bike rides, urban walk’s for their club members during this unprecedented time.

Fall/Winter is now with us. Many more activities are planned for the coming months. Continue to watch your emails and CORE calendar for activities/events. Since restarting the club on June 15th, 2020 CORE has put on many activities/events. Have a look at the Activity Scoreboard below and/or go to CORE photo album .

Members are encouraged to read the Guidelines “Hiking with CORE in the Time of COVID-19 pandemic.”

If the province of Alberta mandates different requirements, the organization may have to make appropriate changes.  If the situation changes a newsletter with the updated information will be sent to the members.

CORE Photo Album

All CORE members participating in CORE activities are welcome and encouraged to post photos taken on your outings in the CORE website Photo Albums. There are Photo Management instructions on the CORE Guides web page. If you have any trouble uploading your photos, please ask the event coordinator or other experienced CORE member. Some guidelines when posting photos:

  • Post just the highlights of the event
  • No parking lot photos. We should not identify members vehicles
  • Do not post unflattering pictures of other members
  • If you mention a person’s name, use only the person’s first name

Contacting your Executive

CORE has a couple of different purpose-oriented email addresses through which you can contact various executive members. If you have a general question’s about the club, for instance upcoming presenters planned, event, etc, please email us at If it is a question about membership or joining the club, please direct your query to

Remember that our CORE Executive members are volunteers who also have day jobs and a life outside of CORE, so please be patient if it takes a few days to respond to your queries.



Highlights of Activities/Events

Here are a few highlights from the CORE calendar of hikes from October 17, 2020 to November 22, 2020.  Please visit the CORE photo albums for more pictures from recent and past activities.


October 17 2020 North Glenmore to Heritage Park Hike

















October 25 2020 Foran Grade Winter Hike












October 25 2020 North Glenmore Park X-Country Ski












October 30 2020 Long Distance Hike WBC












October 31 2020 Halloween Walk in South Glenmore Park












October 31 2020 A Mouse in the House












November 1 2020 Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park Hike












November 1 2020 Forgetmenot Ridge Hike












November 4 2020 Prairie Mtn Hike












November 6 2020 Lusk Creek Hike












November 11 2020 Remembrance Day Walk












November 14 2020 Ford Knoll Hike












November 22 2020 Deer Ridge Loop












News and Notes

Parking Pass needed for Kananaskis Country, Cross Country Ski Areas

A parking pass program has been implemented for the 2020/2021 cross country skiing season in Kananaskis Park. Reason for the parking pass is due to the Government of Alberta stating in March 2020 they would no longer fund trail grooming in the Kananaskis area (Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Mount Shark, Sandy McNabb, Ribbon Creek/Kananaskis Village). Alberta Parks and Nordiq Alberta signed a cooperating agreement that will ensure winter trail grooming in these areas in Kananaskis, through a paid parking pilot program in Winter 2020-2021. These paid parking passes will pay for 190 kms of groomed trails in these areas.

Winter trail users are asked to buy and display a day use or a full season parking pass when parking in any of these areas. You can purchase these parking passes online or at a local ski shop in Calgary, Canmore and Kananaskis Village. Cost of a day pass is $10 dollars and a season pass is $50 dollars. You need to download the pass and put the printed pass on the vehicle dashboard. You can also self-pay. Trail users in PLPP can fill out the self-pay parking pass form and deposit their parking fee in drop boxes located in Pocaterra and Elk Pass parking lots.

Snowshoers, alpine skiers, bikers and hikers can contribute if they like. Remember these activities still benefit from the use of these areas in the winter.

Cross country skiers who do not display a parking pass in their vehicles will be informed and encouraged to purchase a parking pass on site or online. Volunteers will be in the parking lots to help inform people of the service for this parking fee. The program is voluntary. Each user can make their own decision to pay or not to pay for this park service (grooming x-country ski trails).

Note: Online purchases require an additional payment of $2 to $3 dollars for credit card processing charges. Processing charges do not apply for cash payments at retailers.

For more information go to Nordiq Alberta – (Kananaskis grooming) website.

Calgary Retailers selling parking passes: MEC – 830 10th Ave SW,  Norseman – 4655 37th Street SW and LifeSport – 4711 85th Street NW.

Visitor Paid Parking in Downtown Banff by 2021

Due to parking challenges and traffic congestion and the millions of people that go to Banff every year is having an impact on people who live and work in Banff. Banff council is looking at ways to increase the turnover of parking spaces in the downtown while protecting and keeping residential streets available for those who live in the area.

Banff is proposing paid parking for visitors and commuters, with free parking for residents for three hours of continuous parking. Residents would pay for parking in the user pay zone after 3 hours of continuous parking.Visitors would have too pay for parking in the core, they can choose to park for free in designated lots.

The paid parking in the downtown core will be 7 days a week from 8 am to 8pm, year round. Banff council is discussing a discounted rate for winter.

This proposal is still in the final discussion stage by council. If all parking recommendations are accepted it should be approved and the paid parking program would be starting in 2021.




Red – on street residental parking by permit             Green – on street paid parking (seasonal)

Thick Blue Lines – on street, free parking, very few of these

Thin Blue Lines – short term parking only (Free with Seasonal Pay Parking Zone)

Canmore Council has Supported Recommendations to have Paid Downtown Parking Starting 2021

Canmore Downtown

Paid downtown parking in Canmore was to start June 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, paid parking was not implemented. Canmore’s council supported the recommendations to implement paid parking in 2021. More details for review will be part of the upcoming budget process. Council still needs to debate the projected revenues versus the cost of putting in a paid parking system. Council has also supported a second recommendation for paid parking and associated parking ideals for high demand areas. This includes Quarry Lake, The Peaks of Grassi neighbourhood, Old Canmore Road and the Cougar Creek trailhead. After the budget meeting in November, a decision will be made on the issue.



Female Grizzly Defending cub attacks hiker in Kananaskis Country

Bow Valley Parkway

A man, hiking in the Pasque Mountain, at the southern end of Kananaskis country, in a cut block area, when he was attacked by a female grizzly bear. The man had come into a area where a cub and mother were feeding. The mother bear swatted him and knocked him down, then grabbed the man by the elbow and bit him. He played dead and the bear dropped him and ran off.

Playing dead will work if you are being attacked by a mother grizzly defending her cubs. As you are not a threat anymore, she will leave and go find her cub. She is not attacking because she wants to eat you but to tell you to leave us a alone.

Playing dead is the wrong thing to do if attacked by a predatory bear.

The hiker did have bear spray but was not easily accessible, the bear spray was in his back pack.

When hiking in bear territory, travel in groups, make lots of noise, carry bear spray and have the bear spray easily accessible (within reach), be aware of your surroundings.

Bears at this time of year spend their time in open areas such as meadows and cut blocks. As the food source is plentiful in these areas. In these areas make a lot of noise, also scan the area before  proceeding into it for potential wildlife activity.

Bears will have more trouble in hearing you near water. Once again make alot of noise and scan the area before proceeding.

Update to Canada Park Passes

For pass holders with a Discovery Pass valid as of March 2020, Parks Canada will automatically extend the end date of Discovery Passes by 4 months. E.G. A Discovery Pass that would have originally expired March 2020 will now expire July 2020, similar if a Discovery Pass would have expired September 2020 will now expire January 2021. A Discovery Pass expires on the last day of the month. E.G. July 31, 2020. For more information go to Parks Canada website.

Defend Alberta Parks Campaign

CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society) and AEN (Alberta Environmental Network) have teamed up to raise awareness of the Alberta Governments plans for provincial parks. This campaign is called Defend Alberta Parks.

The website has information regarding the government’s decision to close parks and to contract out parks as well as coal mining in these parks. Parks are vital for Albertans and Canadians. They are asking Albertans to write to their MLA, Minister of Environment and/or request a Lawn Sign stating, “Defend Alberta Parks.” The two organizations are asking for a donation for the lawn signs. For more information go to Defend Alberta Parks, website.

Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park:

Friends of Fish Creek Park is offering different events regarding the park’s history, wildlife, archaeology and other events in the park this spring/summer/fall.

Visit Friends of Fish Creek Park event calendar for daily and weekly events.

Friends of Kananaskis Park Event Series:

For more information go to Friends of Kananaskis Park event calendar.

Trailhead Parking Security

It has been reported that car break-ins and theft has been happening at trail-head parking lots. Be sure to lock up your belongings and ensure nothing is visible when you leave your vehicle to mitigate the visibility of tempting items for thieves.

Trail Closures and Trail Report Link

Alberta Parks and Banff National Park are urging people to be bear aware. There have been multiple sightings of bears, and other wildlife in the parks. Depending on which park you are in, contact either Alberta Parks (403-591-7755) or Parks Canada Banff office (403-762-1470) if you come in close vicinity of a bear, cougar, elk or wolf.


Members Corner

The Members Corner section of the CORE Newsletter is meant to allow CORE Members to connect with other members of like interest, or to seek or sell outdoor equipment. Please submit any request to and include your contact info for interested parties to contact you. No photo’s of items will be posted on CORE newsletter. Also, please keep your words to a minimum (50 words or less).  Please note that the CORE Newsletter is in the public domain, and that by submitting a request, you give permission to CORE to publish your contact information thus provided. CORE will not act as intermediary in any resulting transactions. All members who submit any request have relinquished CORE from any and all liabilities, claims, suits, and causes of action, and property (including loss of use or damage) on the part of the CORE club (individually or collectively).

{member’s AD and contact info to be posted here}


Adventure Stories


For all CORE members, this spot is for you. If you have a little story to tell about something you’ve seen on a CORE outing, or some article or book you may have read that you would like to share, please send it along and we’ll publish it in the next newsletter. Keep it to a couple paragraphs, and stick to topics related to the outdoors or the environment.









Hither and Yon

A reminder of every members responsibility to keeping yourself and your fellow hikers safe, during this unprecedented time.

Six feet/two metres Social Distancing requirement by AHS and CORE guidelines

Every member in this photo is a minimum of six (6) feet/two (2) metres apart, for social distancing guidelines.


Bring a mask in case you cannot social distance – 6 feet/2 metres, or you need to go into an indoor area.

Stay six feet/2 metres for social distancing when hiking and other events. Also, at rest breaks and lunch.






CORE’S COVID-19 Guidelines

Keeping Members Safe on Events – These guidelines are for your safety and your fellow hikers safety as well.

  • Do Not sign-up if you are experiencing any illness or COVID-19 symptoms (go to Alberta Health Services website for COVID-19 symptoms).
  • Avoid non-family car pooling. Meet at trailheads or a designated place for convoying.
  • Maintain physical distancing at all times. 6 feet/2 metres.
  • Bring a mask with you for emergency use.
  • Bring your own supply of wipes/hand sanitizer/gloves/toilet paper, as necessary and your first aid-kit. No Sharing!!
  • Do Not share food or drink.
  • Washrooms may not always be available, be prepared.
  • Bring enough food, water, proper clothing/shoes, equipment and bear spray. No sharing allowed.
  • There will be no stopping at places on the way or on the way back.
  • Be aware of risks in participating and agree to accept the risks.
  • Remember to provide a cell phone # and emergency contact # to the coordinator when signing up.
  • No Trip Reports will be signed by members for the time being but coordinators are still required to submit a report.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19 and were on a CORE event prior to the positive test please notify the coordinator of the trip.

Note: Events may be changed or cancelled at short notice due to changes in government guidelines. The requirements above may change accordingly with updated government recommendations.

Remember: This too Shall Pass!!!


Have Fun and Stay Safe!!!!